A week ago, I was interviewed by Maeve Halpin of Dublin South FM Radio. It was my first experience being interviewed for radio, and of course, I was nervous!
The first of August marks the start of August Craft Month, a diverse and vibrant event organised by the Design and Crafts Council of Irland and Crafts NI in Northern Ireland. It is an all-Ireland event in 32 counties, with over 400 activities, including workshops, exhibitions and open studios. As I live in Dundrum, in the southern part of Dublin, the listing for my Open Studio on the August Craft Month's website caught Maeve's eye. So she contacted me and asked if I would come in to the station.
Maeve is a fantastic interviewer and knows how to slow down a fast talker and open up a topic. We chatted about the sad state of Irish wool, Feltmakers Ireland's two Open Days, and how to make a felted hat. In addition, In the first half of the program Maeve spoke with Eimear Harding of the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland. My interview is in the second half.
Interestingly, crafting activities are now recognised as part of well-being, which is the theme of Maeve's program!
Here is a link to listen to a re-broadcast - https://www.mixcloud.com/DublinSouthFMCommunityRadio/wellbeing-for-everyday-life-juliane-gorman-eimear-harding-010824/