FeltHappiness Hats is so excited to return to Handmade Arcade this year.
This year is the 15th year anniversary of Handmade Arcade and my third year doing the show. It's going to be awesome!
Here's a photo of my booth from last year.
What: Over 250+ local and national artists and makers share their handcrafted wares. In addition to the handcrafted creations, there are 18 FREE activities in the Hands-on Handmade Activity Area for all ages of humans. Plus, raffles, DJs and more!
When: from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, 2019. FREE Admission.
If you can't wait or want to beat the crowds, there's the Preview Party on Friday night, December 6, from 5:30 to 8 PM.
$20 Ticket includes 2.5 hours of crowd-free shopping the night before the doors open to the public, a cash bar, art raffles, a make-your-own-crafty-swag-bag activity station and more.
Where: David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
For more information visit Handmade Arcade's website.